How to create a Facebook page

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How to Create a Facebook Business Page in 7 Steps

Having a Facebook page for your business is a powerful way to connect with your customers and reach new customers.

Facebook business pages are a free way for businesses to increase brand awareness and generate Facebook sales. To create a Facebook Company Page, simply log in to your personal Facebook account, click "Create Page" from the drop-down menu, then follow the steps to create your Company Profile.

While it's easy to set up a simple company page on Facebook, setting up and optimally maintaining your page at all times can be a challenge. Try using Fiverr to find freelancers who can help grow your Facebook business page, create custom content to attract potential customers, and maintain your Facebook page so you can continue to focus on managing your Facebook business.

Follow these 7 steps to learn how to create a business page on Facebook:

1. Register for a Facebook Business Page

A Facebook business page is created with a personal Facebook account, so you'll need to log in to your Facebook account first. On the right side of the blue toolbar, find the Create button and click it.

Select “Page” from the Menu

After clicking "Create", a drop-down list will appear. Select the first option, "Pages" to create your Facebook business page.

Enter Your Business Information

Tell Facebook what you want your company page to be mentioned. This should match your actual company name. Then choose a business category that best represents what your business has to offer. For example, a clothing brand may introduce "clothing" which then populates a list of related options to choose from.

2. Choose a Page Category

You have a choice of two page categories - "Company or Brand" or "Community or Public Figure". The most profitable companies will choose one company or one brand.

3. Upload Your Profile Picture & Cover Photo

Then select a photo to upload as a profile photo on your company page. Businesses usually use their logo as their profile picture, but you can use any image that represents your company and your company brand. Make sure your image is clear and not cropped.

If you still don't have the image you want to use or need a new one, then you should give Bluehost a try. There you'll find freelance experts who can create a professional profile picture for you, be it a logo or other image, at an affordable price.

4. Invite Friends to Like Your Page

Facebook invites you to invite your current Facebook friends from your personal account to like your new business page. Existing Facebook friends can be a great first-like base for a new Facebook business page, so it's a good idea to go ahead and do it. Click the pop-up prompt or invite a friend using the "..." button on your company page as shown below.

5. Include Additional Business Details

Find and select Info from the left menu. This is where you enter information that tells readers about your company, from contact options to your product or menu. Fill in all relevant information such as your website, business hours and contact information.

Given Facebook's domain authority, it's not uncommon for Facebook business pages to rank higher than their websites in organic search. With that in mind, it is important to fill in all the information as it can be the first starting point for potential clients for your business.

6. Add a Button to Your Page

Now that you have entered all the important information on your Facebook Company Page, you will want to add a button to your Page that will appear in the top right corner of your Company Page, below your cover. It acts as a CTA on your Facebook page and is free to use. When you include the right things for your business, you can generate more leads and, in return, increase sales. To do this, click the blue "+ Add Button" option on the left side of the page below the cover sheet.

You can choose from the following button types: Book With You, Call You, Learn More, Shop, or Download. Choose the type of button that best suits your business. For example, a hair salon may want to use the "book with you" option, while a brand selling products may prefer the "shopping" option.

7. Market Your Facebook Business Page by Being Active on Facebook

Creating a Facebook business page is only the first step in using Facebook marketing for your business. You need to be active on Facebook to promote your page and grow your audience. For example, in addition to consistently publishing your page, you want to be active in relevant groups where your target audience is likely to spend time.

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